Book Your Travel - Online Booking WordPress Theme: Changelog
- improved Added WP Bakery styles for when BYT: Search is used in the widgetized sidebar block
- fixed Default WooCommerce products are now correctly added to cart
- fixed Resolved issue with db tables not being properly created on theme installation
- updated Rev Slider version 6.7.25
- updated WP Bakery Version 8.1
- updated Rev Slider version 6.7.21
- updated WP Bakery Version 8.0
- improved Improved WooCommerce single product, shop and archive layouts
- updated Rev Slider version 6.7.18
- updated WP Bakery Version 7.9
- improved Improved admin dashboard styles
- fixed Fixed issue with availability not being created
- updated Rev Slider version 6.7.15
- updated WP Bakery Version 7.8
- fixed Fixed php 8.1 error preg_match_all
- improved Increased timeout for license check
- fixed Single WooCommerce product page layout fix
- updated Rev Slider version 6.7.13
- updated WP Bakery Version 7.7.1
- improved Added welcome screen feature
- improved Added Elementor demos
- updated Rev Slider version 6.7.11
- fixed Fixed issue with login/logout WooCommerce cart product problem
- updated Upgraded archive-product.php WooCommerce template version
- updated Rev Slider version 6.7.6
- updated WP Bakery Version 7.6
- fixed Elementor under header and hero sidebars shown.
- fixed Car rentals calendar preselected dates fix.
- fixed Car rentals email content fix.
- fixed Elementor Full Width Page wrap fix.
- updated Rev Slider version 6.7.3
- fixed Elementor Full Width Page template compatibility fix.
- fixed Code maintenance.
- updated Rev Slider version 6.7.0
- fixed Various issues regarding text colors fixed.
- fixed Fixed php 8 compatibility issue.
- fixed Fixed Privilege Escalation vulnerability for settings and review forms.
- fixed Fixed button color customizer setting.
- fixed Fixed button color customizer setting.
- fixed Fixed issue with review fields not showing up in the admin Reviews screen.
- fixed Fixed WPML location issue
- fixed Fixed issue with the What filter changes not propagating when multiple search widgets are used on the same page
- improved Implemented support for WooCommerce cart & checkout blocks
- updated WP Bakery Version 7.5
- fixed Fixed close button size in modal boxes
- fixed Horizontal gap on date archive pages removed
- fixed Fixed accommodation max count filter
- improved Adjusted vertical padding of thank you modal pages
- improved Improved RTL styles
- improved Adjusted styling of theme options
- improved Added TikTok logo to social icons
- improved Replaced Twitter logo with X in social icons
- updated Rev Slider version 6.6.20
- updated WP Bakery Version 7.3
- fixed Fixed date issue with reviews
- fixed Fixed WP Bakery horizontal scroll issue on mobile
- fixed Fixed aspect ratio of deal images on single location page for desktop
- updated Rev Slider version 6.6.18
- updated WP Bakery Version 7.1
- fixed Fixed issues with search widget
- fixed Fixed issues with WooCommerce and regular products
- fixed Fixed issues with WPML and WooCommerce
- fixed Fixed issues with frontend cruise schedule editing
- updatedRev Slider version 6.6.16
- fixed Fixed tours WPML issue
- updated Rev Slider version 6.6.15
- updated Upgraded WP Bakery version 7.0
- fixed php 8.0 compatibility fixes
- updated Rev Slider version 6.6.14
- updated Upgraded WP Bakery version 6.13.0
- fixed Clear button in search box css adjustment
- fixed Fixed issue with room prices not showing correctly in single views
- fixed WPML search price fix
- updated Rev Slider version 6.6.13
- updated Upgraded WP Bakery version 6.11.0
- fixed WPML search price fix
- fixed WPML string translation issue in car rentals
- fixed Fixed label issue in login form
- updated Rev Slider version 6.6.12
- fixed Fixed duplicate pager in frontend submit list pages
- fixed Fixed issue with cruise bookings
- fixed Fixed issue with empty BookYourTravel product in cart after user logs out and logs back in again.
- fixed Php 8 compatibility fix for frontend submit class field helper.
- fixed Fixed cruises price breakdown bug.
- fixed Set min children stay free default for cruises to 0 from 1.
- fixed Fixed search widget price range shows decimal places based on option setting now.
- fixed Fixed car rental extra fields WPML issue
- updated Rev Slider version 6.6.10
- fixed Fixed issue search widget location by type filter
- fixed Fixed issue with empty taxonomy and archive.php
- fixed Fixed issue with blank extra items prices
- updated Rev Slider version 6.6.8
- fixed Fixed issue with deposit amount decimal places
- fixed Fixed issue with cruise search by from & to dates
- fixed Fixed issue with search widget clear button
- fixed Fixed frontend submit booking listing sort and pagination issues
- updated Rev Slider version 6.6.5
- updated Upgraded WP Bakery version 6.10.0
- fixed Fixed php 8 bugs
- fixed Fixed search clear button - show only if enabled setting
- updated Rev Slider version 6.5.31
- improved Frontend submit improvements
- improved Implemented deletion of bookings/schedules/availability/vacancies by partners from partner pages
- fixed Fixed metabox bug
- fixed Fixed widget search bug
- fixed Fixed cruise min price and date issue
- updated Rev Slider version 6.5.24
- updated Upgraded WP Bakery version 6.9.0
- improved Allowed tables inside meta content fields
- fixed Fixed custom fields checkbox issue
- fixed Fixed WooCommerce 0 cart item issue
- updated Rev Slider version 6.5.19
- fixed Fixed sorting issue with car rental bookings
- fixed Fixed issue with total reviews not showing correctly on single view
- fixed Fixed date format in emails sent when WooCommerce is not used
- fixed Fixed scrolling of the modal box on mobile devices
- updated Rev Slider version 6.5.16
- improved Improved custom open tab button functionality
- improved Added close buttons to review and inquiry forms
- fixed Fixed issue with date interval total being wrong in certain timezones
- fixed Fixed issue with tax calculation for WooCommerce
- fixed Removed erroneous echo statement from tour helper
- fixed Fixed issue where extra items are charged per accommodation or per person instead of per room or per person
- fixed Fixed issue with extra items add then remove not updating deposit amount in booking form
- fixed Fixed issue with tax-inclusive price amounts not being calculated correctly with WooCommerce
- fixed Fixed issue with wpautop call in extra fields display
- fixed Fixed issue with date interval total being wrong in certain timezones
- updated Rev Slider version 6.5.14
- updated Upgraded WP Bakery version 6.8.0
- updated Updated copyright notice year
- fixed Fixed issue with frontend submit create booking not creating woocommerce orders and not assigning correct user id
- fixed Fixed issue with WooCommerce order totals when bookings are manually created.
- fixed Fixed issue with preselected search when current date is set as date from.
- fixed Fixed bug with images not showing for booked items in My bookings pages.
- updated Rev Slider version 6.5.11
- improved Menu order sort option added to list Widgets
- fixed Fixed issue with sorting images in Gallery tab causing collapse of the Extra information tab
- fixed Fixed scrolling inside the modal forms
- fixed Fixed review rounding in x/10 review scores
- fixed Fixed issue with tour search for one-off tour types
- fixed Fixed issue with cabin type pretty photo gallery
- improved Allow 0 as price for schedules/vacancies/availability
- fixed Fixed issue with current date and car rental availability calendar
- updated Rev Slider version 6.5.9
- fixed Fixed datepicker i18n issue
- fixed Fixed obscure issue with new fields added in theme options
- fixed Fixed issue with total due upon arrival not showing in WooCommerce Order when deposit is set to 0
- updated Rev Slider version 6.5.8
- improved Added support for sorting custom post types in list pages by Menu order attribute
- improved New widget styles for Gutenberg editor
- improved Admin can chose via Theme options -> Configuration settings whether they want to use the custom, slimmed down version of the admin-ajax.php handler (found in includes/theme_custom_ajax_handler.php) to improve performance. admin-ajax.php is used by default
- fixed Fixed php 8 compatibility issue
- fixed Fixed issue with review scores wrong rounding of values
- fixed Fixed issue with Accommodation calendar
- fixed Fixed issue in frontend editor for tour and cruise schedules of not repeated type
- fixed Fixed datepicker calendar in RTL mode
- fixed Fixed issue with Iconic features widget icon selection in WordPress 5.8
- updated Rev Slider version 6.5.7
- fixed Fixed temporary cache clearing
- fixed Fixed issue with Customizer not working with WordPress 5.8
- fixed WooCommerce Stripe icons fix
- updated Upgraded Rev Slider version 6.5.5
- fixed Fixed issue with frontend submit location checkboxes saving in post meta with wrong format
- fixed Fixed issue with older Revolution slider versions causing a php error within backend
- fixed Fixed issue with tour/cruise duration checkbox selections not saving with frontend submit
- updated Upgraded Rev Slider version 6.5.4
- updated Upgraded WP Bakery version 6.7.0
- improved Blog single post content styles adjusted
- fixed Set posts_per_page to -1 for get_post calls that require no limit
- fixed Prevent get_product call in theme_woocommerce from creating the 4 WooCommerce BYT products unless WooCommerce integration is enabled
- fixed Fixed currency bug for ajax-loaded prices when WooCommerce Multilingual currency switcher is used
- fixed Fixed issue with accommodation location tab not showing
- fixed Fixed slider
- updated Upgraded Rev Slider version 6.5.0
- fixed CSS line height adjusted in modal boxes
- fixed Fixed issue with number formatting when dot used as thousand separator
- updated Upgraded Rev Slider version 6.4.8
- fixed Rev Slider 6.4.6 theme actions fix
- improved Added target="_blank" into the allowed tags for footer copy html
- fixed Fixed issue with future scheduled tours/cruises/accommodations/car rentals not having date selected in calendar until you change months
- fixed Fixed cart icon to no longer attempt to translate inner text
- fixed Fixed php 8 compatibility issue
- fixed Fixed issue with WooCs currency conversion happening twice when items are added to cart
- updated Upgraded Rev Slider version 6.4.6
- improved Uniform custom form elements are now applied to BYT search widget, native forms and CF7 only
- fixed Fixed obscure issue with woocommerce products being endlessly recreated for the 4 post types
- fixed Fixed admin screen screen options per page not working
- fixed Fixed issue with WooCommerce partial payment not changing value when currency is changed
- fixed Fixed issue where WooCommerce products were created even when WooCommerce integration was disabled
- fixed Fixed CF7 output text color
- updated Upgraded WP Bakery version 6.6.0
- updated Upgraded Rev Slider version 6.4.3
- fixed Fixed issues with wp_get_attachment_image_src not returning an array
- fixed Fixed issue with slider controls not showing in Customizer
- fixed Fixed issue with screen bounce when room type is selected for booking of an accommodation
- updated Upgraded WP Bakery version 6.5.0
- updated Upgraded Rev Slider version 6.3.5
- fixed Fixed compatibility issue with frontend submit and WP 5.6
- fixed Fixed null exception with location widget
- fixed Fixed search widget javascript issue with Elementor
- updated Upgraded Rev Slider version 6.3.3
- fixed Fixed issue with one-off tour and cruise search results not showing
- fixed Fixed issue with WooCommerce shop/product pages not showing header and footer
- fixed Fixed issue with missing currency symbol
- fixed Fixed issue with frontend submit and gallery images
- fixed Fixed php 7.4 deprecated warning
- fixed Fixed price range searching for static prices
- updated Upgraded Rev Slider version 6.3.2
- new Added iCal synchronization support for exporting vacancies/schedules/availability & bookings
- new Added bookyourtravel_is_weekend filter
- improved Better Elementor and Elementor PRO support
- fixed Fixed issue with tour extra field select not showing options correctly
- fixed Fixed issue with date_i18n in vacancy/schedule/availability admin screens
- fixed Fixed PHP 7.4 errors
- fixed Fixed image caption css overflow
- updated Upgraded WP Bakery version 6.4.2
- updated Upgraded Rev Slider version 6.2.23
- fixed Byt variable product attributes from woocommerce emails are now hidden
- fixed Fixed WPBakery Templatera compatibility issue
- fixed Fixed show room count in confirm screen
- updated Upgraded Rev Slider version 6.2.23
- fixed Fixed issue with static prices being forced to 0
- fixed Fixed issue with WooCommerce 4.4 throwing "Call to undefined function wc_get_loop_prop()" error
- fixed Fixed issue with simultanenous bookings added to cart, one showing correct price, the other showing 0.
- updated Upgraded Rev Slider version 6.2.21
- fixed Fixed issue with WPBakery preventing upgrades via upgrade interface
- updated Upgraded Rev Slider version 6.2.20
- fixed Fixed accommodation room count issue on confirmation screen
- fixed Fixed empty price json error for all post types
- fixed Fixed broken tabs after WordPress 5.5 upgrade
- fixed Fixed issue with weekend pricing and formatted price display
- fixed Fixed cruise cabin count for reservation only confirmation screen
- updated Upgraded Rev Slider version 6.2.18
- new Added new setting in theme options Configuration settings "Show static "from" prices in grid displays?"
- improved Improved speed of price loading thanks to separating ajax post type requests into separate queues
- improved The 4 internal WooCommerce products used for BookYourTravel bookings are now shown as 404 on the frontend and not shown in WooCommerce product widgets
- improved Allow iframe to be entered for map code field of tour in frontend submit
- improved Various minor css adjustments
- fixed Ajax-fetched prices are now i18n formatted as well
- fixed Post type bookings search by customer name fixed
- fixed Fixed future scheduled posts wrongly displaying as 404s
- fixed Show fallback translations if option enabled in WPML settings for location lists
- updated Upgraded Rev Slider version 6.2.17
- new New Agritourism demo.
- new New Eco Lodge demo.
- new Added min and max days booking restriction options for car rentals.
- new Added tour and cruise duration taxonomy for easier organising of content.
- new Added tour and cruise duration taxonomy search filter to search widget.
- new Added accommodation, car rental, cruise, tour name select filters to search widget.
- new Added select search filters for accommodation, car rental, cruise, tour types to search widget.
- new Added select search filters for accommodation, car rental, cruise, tour tags to search widget.
- improved Improved layouts of My booking pages for regular users. Cards are now used instead of tabular results.
- improved User reviews are now enabled directly from the My booking pages as well as from single post pages.
- improved Room count is now shown in summary below calendar when rooms are enabled for an accommodation.
- improved Queued ajax requests to prevent browser locking when multiple network requests are made.
- improved Show deposit vs due upon arrival amount in cart and on checkout.
- improved Colorpicker in customizer now supports rgba opacity.
- fixed Inquiry, booking, contact select field added correct error class when required and not selected.
- updatedRevolution slider update (6.2.10).
- fixed Prevented preselection of dates that have passed already in all post types.
- fixed Resolved issue with car rental calendar when preselected dates are passed in via query string.
- updated Latest WP Bakery (6.2.0) plugin.
- new New option to force disable availability calendar via individual post Booking tab
- improved Option to show recaptcha in register and login lightboxes
- improved Removed dependance on google fonts api key
- improved Increased number of items to display in WPBakery custom list blocks
- fixed Datepicker fix ie11
- fixed CF7 success message background
- fixed Column fix for frontend booking listing
- fixed List price cache issue fixed
- fixed Select one then another room type to book, issue with dropdowns not being reinitialized resolved
- fixed Fixed issues with deposits vs no deposits and manually added bookings via admin
- fixed Fixed issue with WooCommerce Multilingual
- fixed Fixed extra item per person calculations for cruises and accommodations
- updated Latest revolution slider (6.2.2) plugin.
- fixedfrontend submit lists fixes
- fixedAvailability message fixed in tours, cruises, car rentals, accommodations
- fixedCSS bugfix
- fixedWooCommerce checkout select and checkbox fields fixes
- fixedWPML custom field translation fixes
- fixedLocation translation issue for linked locations
- fixedTheme options select boxes css fix
- improvedDefault image sizes adjustment
- updatedWPBakery page builder 6.1 update
- fixedFixed tours gdpr bug
- improvedAllow up to 24 months searching into the future
- updatedUpgraded WPBakery page builder
- updatedUpgraded Slider Revolution
- fixedFixed select control in Booking formats
- fixedEnd dates bug fix for accommodations
- fixedTours total price fix
- fixedFixed custom select boxes css display
- fixedInquiry form fields missing * when required
- fixed HTML tags in short description get stripped
- fixed Admin gallery img src issue
- fixed Reordering admin gallery
- fixedfixed bug with extra items and deposits not being calculated correctly
- newNew shortcode for WPBakery page builder:[byt_post_price] for custom post grids using bookable post types
- new New Christmas & New year demo
- improvedAllow Car rentals to be booked specific to a location or sitewide (option in Theme options -> Car rentals)
- improvedIf reviews are enabled, admin can now always see the add review button
- improvedAdded "hide item price" setting on the search results page template
- improvedAdded page-attributes support to all post type to enable sorting by menu_order
- improvedAdjusted css for nested breadcrumbs
- improvedSocial links now open in a new window (target blank)
- improvedWpBakery single custom post type cards are now entirely clickable
- newAdded deposits/partial payments feature to accommodations, cruises, car rentals, tours
- newWooCommerce multilingual support including currency switcher
- newWOOCS currency switcher plugin support
- improvedAdded wpautop to sidebar short description to allow line breaks
- improvedAllow custom selectors for inner-nav
- fixedResolved WPML search issue
- fixedFixed issue with Sunday as only allowed checkin or checkout day
- fixedFixed post content spacing on archive pages
- fixedFixed Safari issue with uniform for dropdowns
- fixedFixed localized date issue for search widgets
- fixedFixed minicart z-index for header9
- fixedFixed single location layout with keyvisual, child locations, content and wp bakery combo
- newNew Beach resort demo
- new Added cart icon to all headers
- newShow extra items in non-woocommerce booking emails
- improved Improved loading speed
- improvedScroll to the correct position after dates are selected in calendars
- improvedAdded car rental location preselect on single car rental based on query string
- improvedAdded function_exists check for vc_shortcode_custom_css_class function
- fixedGDPR fields without WooCommerce required when booking
- fixedContact map zoom fix
- fixedWPML fixes
- fixedResolved pagination query issue for search results
- fixedLanguage code issue fixed for jquery ui datepicker
- fixedMaps issue when location tab is hidden fixed
- updatedUpdated language files
- updatedUpdated menu themes for Travel & tours, Motorhomes & campervans, Hotel and Travel Agency demo
- newNew Sustainable Travel demo
- new Loading animation can now be disabled via Theme options > Configuration settings
- improvedUsers can now be assigned to an accommodation/car/tour/cruise/location as owners
- improvedPartners can now assign their content to all existing locations
- improvedAllow partners to preview their content
- improvedAllow partners to delete their content
- improvedAdded single booking view for customer booking lists
- improvedShow WooCommerce status in bookings lists
- improvedOnly users that booked an accommodation, car rental, cruise, tour can review it
- improvedList pages type is now a checkbox list instead of a select
- improvedSearch widget from and to dates are now tied to each other with min/max
- improvedSearcg widget now supports nested locations
- improvedAdjusted admin css so that theme options remain intact when localized
- improvedImproved responsive behavior
- fixedIE11 calendar fix
- fixedi18n date fix
- fixedResolved issue with Asian timezone and booking calendars
- fixedFixed issues with tour tag and type id filtering with WPBakery page builder and tour list widget
- fixedVarious minor css issues resolved
- fixed Search widget admin remove filter now triggers save button
- fixedContact map zoom issue resolved
- fixedFrontend submit fix for partner image upload
- updatedUpgraded WP Bakery to 6.0.3
- fixed Resolved customizer javascript error
- new New Travel & Tours demo
- fixed Contact page terms label WPML issue fixed
- fixed Fixed datepicker z-index and header overlap
- improved Promo ribbons made larger as requested by users
- updated Compliance with envato coding requirements
- updated Compliance with envato theme requirements
- updated Compliance with envato security requirements
- updated WPBakery 6.02 upgrade
- updated Renamed languages/default.pot to languages/BookYourTravel.pot
- improvedImproved one click import
- improvedOnly initialize map if map canvas is present and shown
- improvedImproved responsiveness of data tables
- improvedAdjusted customizer body background behavior for boxed vs. other layouts
- improvedImproved the display of the search filters on small mobile screens
- improvedRemoved BYT WooCommerce products from search results
- improvedModified "There has been an error" text for better UX
- fixedFixed issues with script reference reported by query monitor in admin
- fixedFixed more info issue on single cruise cabin availabilities
- fixedCorrected spacing when both, sticky header and hero sidebar are used on pages
- fixedFixed url reference inside custom search results
- fixedFixed select and slider option type bug
- fixedFixed taxonomy search issue
- fixedPost list card layout fix
- fixedFixed location nesting in Is Directory mode
- fixedFixed review score search issue
- updatedAdded missing translation keys
- updatedLogo src cleanup
- improvedImproved highlighting of half dates in the availability calendar
- improvedImproved behavior of inner menus of single post type pages on mobile devices
- improvedImproved cruise search behavior
- improvedWPML compatibility
- fixedFixed issue in WPBakery widgets for accommodations, tours, cruises and car rentals
- fixedFixed wrong counts problem in location cards
- fixedFixed register lightbox tabindex
- fixedFixed creation of Frontend Submit role
- fixedRepeated content fixes in single views
- fixedFixed flexbox display in IE11 and lower
- fixedFixed coloring of the start/end dates if calendars are only partially styled
- fixedFixed issue with car rentals admin booking screen.
- fixedAccommodation search availability fix
- fixedAdded missing is_translatable function to theme_globals
- fixedFixed wp-login.php redirect loop issue
- fixedCabin/Room count search preselect fix
- updatedReintroduced header ribbon sidebar for WPML
- updated Updated child theme as per the envato child theme requirements
- improved improved one click import
- fixed fixed bug in single car rental
- fixed fixed visual composer frontend issue for custom post types
- fixed fixed theme_versioning.php wp_filesystem issue
- new WordPress Gutenberg support
- new Full theme styling with Live Customizer
- new Editable header, footer, sidebars layouts + new ready to use styles
- new WPBakery support and plugin added to the theme
- new 12 custom WPBakery blocks
- new New layouts and WPBakery support for accommodations, tours, car rentals, cruises, locations
- new 20+ new demos added
- new 100+ new page designs added
- new Hero scene designer
- new Search widget designer
- new All listings pages now have their own layout and content display options
- new Taxonomy pages now have their own layout and content display options
- new New display options for custom post types widgets
- new Added Google reCaptcha
- new Added cabin type image gallery support for cruises
- new Added seasonal availability management for car rentals
- new Car rentals can now belong to multiple locations
- new Added pick up/drop off locations to car rentals
- new Car rentals now support user reviews
- new Dates that user selects in search are now pre-selected in the calendar for faster booking
- new Added location types
- new Added location types as search filter
- new Added facilities as search filter
- new Layout and colors of availability calendars are now fully editable
- new Added google fonts API
- new Added affiliate link support to accommodations, tours, car rentals, cruises
- new Added search by tags, facilities
- new Added EU GDPR tools
- new Price combinations can now be added to locations (up to 2 post types)
- new Location counters are now editable in theme options
- new Added promo ribbons to accommodation, tour, car rental, cruise, location thumbnails
- new Added bulk room/cabin purchase support
- new 1 click demo import
- improved Header ribbon menu now fully customizable
- improved Special menu areas for vendor and user pages
- improved Redesigned and improved vendor pages
- improved Admin can now create separate login, register and reset password pages for partners vs for regular users.
- improved Theme options have been significantly improved
- improved Page settings in theme options are now implicit, users do not to set them up manually
- improved All default content now added to Tabs & Fields builder
- improved Tabs & Fields builder improved
- improved Inquiry and review thank you notes now shown in center of page
- improved Admin can disable star count feature for accommodations globally
- improved Theme options can now be imported between parent and child and vice versa
- improved Ajax loading real time prices
- improved Much improved calendar loading speed
- improved WooCommerce shop pages are now fully functional with Book Your Travel
- improved WooCommerce shop page can now display accommodations, tours, car rentals, cruises, locations
- improved Layouts are now purely CSS based (no more javascript heightfix)
- improved Accommodation, tour, car rental, cruise, location excerpts are now fully editable
- improved Theme now supports media settings for better speed and seo
- improved Rewritten and optimized all code for better performance and SEO
- improved Theme can now be updated from Admin dashboard
- updated Latest WPML compatibility
- updated Latest WooCommerce compatibility
- updated Updated Slider Revolution
- updated Updated TGM-Plugin-Activation
- updated Updated code as per the envato new theme requirements
- fixed Fixed WooCommerce 3.0.1 incompatibility when adding bookings from Admin.
- fixed Fixed search bug that occured when accommodation vacancy dates were split into segments.
- fixed Fixed issue with breadcrumbs that sometimes displayed the wrong post title.
- fixed Fixed monthly booking unable to select end date when April 1 or February 1 is selected as start date.
- fixed Fixed longstanding issue of theme options tabs/fields not saving well if order is rearranged.
- updated Implemented compatibility with WooCommerce 3.0
- improved allow editor role access to BYT admin screens
- improved removed 4 month limit for accommodation admin booking entry
- fixed fixed date validation in frontend submit forms.
- fixed accommodation min price fix
- new print css
- improved added image alt tags to galleries.
- fixed fixed cruise calendar schedule bug.
- fixed fixed delete tour booking bug.
- fixed fixed tag and type human friendly urls.
- fixed location slider fix.
- fixed tour and cruise pricing issue fix for when 1 person is allowed on tour.
- fixed fixed unable to select serialized options to export in theme options.
- fixed fixed review form translation issue.
- fixed fixed extra item price per person,day bug
- fixed fixed google map zoom problem for infobox
- fixed fixed nested locations paging issue
- fixed fixed disabled cabin types in frontend submit bug.
- fixed fixed pending role issue with user accommodation.
- fixed fixed review score discrepancy on user account page.
- fixed fixed summary date display for monthly accommodation rentals.
- fixed fixed month change issue for accommodation vacancy where end dates were restricted after 4 months.
- fixed fixed duplicated searchsubmit keyword in pager.
- fixed removed deprecated mysql_real_escape_string calls
- fixed fixed min price issue for cruises and tours when one-off type is used.
- fixed fixed taxonomy.php template to include location tags
- fixed fixed ie/safary datepicker bug for search widget
- updated updated Slider Revolution
- improved Click on booking form, inquiry and review button, slides screen up appropriately.
- improved Allow for multiple products (bookyourtravel) to be added to the woocommerce cart at the same time.
- improved woocommerce order details and emails contain extra booking field info now.
- improved disallow booking of same exact room/accommodation, or tour, or cruise, or car rental within same cart, but allow variations.
- improved tab content hidden if tab is hidden in all single views.
- improved woocommerce booking form (checkout) fields can now be correctly renamed.
- fixed Fix for 0 being treated as blank string in some php configurations.
- fixed removed deprecated call mysql_escape_string and replaced with mysql_real_escape_string.
- fixed fixed N/A end date bug in frontend schedule editor for repeated tour and cruise type schedules.
- fixed pager fix (query var)
- fixed corrected column layout for taxonomy.php
- fixed fixed is featured location list bug.
- fixed fixed color schemes for error pages
- fixed blog index sidebar positioning fix.
- fixed fixed issue with overlapping vacancies not showing correct price.
- fixed various minor css styling adjusted
- updated updated Slider Revolution
- new user content list bookings pages (partner) now show customer name, email, date of creation as well.
- new tags in sidebars of car rentals, tours, cruises and accommodations are now linked to tag archives.
- improved display car rental extra fields in same manner as other car rental fields on single car rental.
- improved allow shortcodes to be used in extra item descriptions
- improved added wp_mail debug ability
- fixed frontend submit check if 0 converted to '' in ajax and fix.
- fixed checkout fix for non-bookyourtravel product purchases (WooCommerce).
- fixed fix car rental booking bug.
- fixed fixed room list responsive css
- fixed fixed footer menu responsive css
- fixed fixed WPML css
- fixed when dynamic menu is used for sidebar inner-nav element, fixed active class so that first item in menu is not always marked as active.
- fixed fixed frontend submit checkbox once checked not being saved as unchecked.
- fixed Fixed missing tour type helper code.
- fixed Multiple login and register pages fix.
- fixed Fix for contact page google maps api key.
- fixed Fixed cruises review totals sync issue.
- fixed WPML compatibility fixes.
- new send new Order emails to partners emails as well as admin if WooCommerce is enabled and contact email set for individual property.
- new Enabled new google map api key feature. You are now required by google to go to and get an api key before using their google maps on your site. After you get a key, please go to Theme options -> Configuration settings and enter your key into the field labeled "Google maps api key" in order to continue using Google maps on the site.
- improved improved use of wp_mail function to avoid problems certain server configurations were having.
- improved ignore form fields if their id is null.
- updated Updated Slider Revolution
- fixed location tour, cruise, car rental, accommodation count fix.
- fixed version upgrade fix.
- fixed fixed url issue with login/register/reset page on certain servers.
- updated upgraded tgm plugin activation plugin to 2.6.1
- improved taxonomy.php archive page now also handles facilities.
- fixed location search for tours and cruises meta serialization bug fix.
- new enabled tags taxonomy for locations, location lists and location widgets.
- new admin can now specify where to redirect a login page via login page meta boxes. This way admin can create one login page for partners and another for regular customers and redirect each to a different page.
- new allow for creation of compulsory/required extra items so that admin can specify an extra item like tourist tax.
- new admins now have control over what is shown in the user and partner user pages left menu via two new menus that are available to be created in Appearance -> Menus. They are User Account Menu and Partner Account Menu.
- new partners can now view lists of bookings made against their properties in the front end.
- new partners can now delete vacancies and schedules of their properties in the front end.
- improved allow content to be displayed above current content of user account page (including shortcodes like the [woocommerce_my_account] shortcode.
- improved allow h1,h2,h3,h4 in extra fields.
- improved search results now keep search location query string parameter when sorting search results.
- improved improved query performance across theme by using postmeta fields.
- improved added taxonomy archive template for custom types and tags so now pages like ?acc_tag=beachfront can be accessed from tag cloud.
- improved fixed frontend tour schedule list that wasn't showing when only tours were enabled.
- improved filter by rating fixed for tours, cruises and accommodations.
- improved allowed target attribute for anchor tags in metabox fields.
- improved localized keywords "Back up" in comments.php
- improved fields marked as required in Theme options -> Booking forms are now required in WooCommerce checkout as well.
- improved accommodations, tours, car rentals, cruises marked as "Is reservation only" are no longer subject to checks against woo status. Instead, their bookings are considered as booked immediately.
- fixed fixed car rental booking bug where booked dates were ignored in certain scenarios.
- fixed fixed wrong use of tour_list_show_featured_only variable in page tour list template.
- fixed fixed wrong spelling of "Do you want to now show..." to "Do you want to not show..." in custom post type list templates.
- fixed fixed tour search results sort by price issue.
- fixed fixed sort by price for cruises and tours.
- fixed resolved issues with dashboard access and ssl
- fixed fixed WooCommerce Multilingual cart total 0 incompatibility.
- fixed fixed tour and cruise end of month not selectable bug.
- updated slider Revolution upgrade
- new Added Show featured only? filter to all post type list templates.
- new Show thank you message in right sidebar of tour, cruise, car rental.
- improved Improved headers of contact, booking and inquiry emails sent to improve performance of wp_mail function and better render new lines.
- improved Improved active plugins check to work for WordPress multiuser as well.
- fixed Fixed "no reviews for item" translation.
- fixed Fixed authentication issue when you click on Manage facilities from editing a single accommodation.
- fixed Fixed wrong price being shown in location items when no vacancies in accommodation.
- fixed Fixed booking emails behaviour for when WooCommerce is not used, if contact email address set, send emails to contact and not to admin.
- fixed Fixed fourth month last day not clickable in accommodations calendar bug.
- fixed Fixed car rental select different date totals not reset bug.
- fixed Fixed accommodations reset dropdowns not respecting min and max counts bug.
- fixed Fixed issue of wrong calculation where when last day of last visible month is selected as from date, and month is changed, and any day of new visible month is selected as to date.
- fixed Fixed browser caching bug that occurred on some servers where latest version of javascript files was not loaded all the time.
- fixed Review form field labels were not translated by WPML. Fixed.
- updated Slider Revolution upgrade to 5.2.4 StarPath (01st April 2016)
- new Added default BookYourTravel Mega menu theme.
- improved Allowed for translation of dynamically created fields (from theme options) for booking forms, inquiry forms and review items via WPML string translation.
- improved Search widget no longer allows search for past dates.
- improved using date_i18n instead of date when outputting dates to screen for better internationalization.
- fixed Sidebar selection for pages was hidden (bug) when WooCommerce was disabled. Fixed.
- fixed Fixed search sort issues in other languages when WPML is used.
- fixed Fixed timezone issue with accommodation dates.
- fixed Fixed dropdown selection and people count reset when reset button is clicked on accommodation booking screen.
- fixed Fixed rtl setting for lightSlider gallery for accommodations, cruises, car rentals, tours and locations.
- fixed Fixed various minor styling issues
- updated Updated slider Revolution
- improved Readded missing keywords to language file
- improved Checked for is_wp_error when taxonomy terms are used as filters in list pages
- fixed Fixed permissions oversight in frontend submit
- fixed Show correct locations in tour item and tour sidebar
- fixed Fixed date format issue for vacancy editing in frontend for non-english languages
- fixed Fixed changing of labels of default fields and tabs without affecting ids of the same
- fixed Fixed issue of wrong price on overlap days when accommodations overlap
- fixed Fixed vacancy fields not showing datepicker in frontend submit vacancy editor.
- fixed Fixed issue where woo statuses set in Theme options -> WooCommerce integration were not properly being taken in account when checking whether bookings are available. To make sure only the right bookings are considered "completed" go to Theme options -> WooCommerce integration and selected the statuses you want to use.
- new Enabled rich text editor for tour, location and car rental extra fields in admin
- improved Removed condition that excerpt be set for locations to show in single tour and cruise Locations tab.
- fixed Resolved WPML incompatibility issue in vacancy admin
- fixed Fixed issue with daily vs weekly accommodations
- updated Upgraded RevSlider plugin to version 5.2
- new Allowed extra items to be assigned to tags as well as types (for all custom post types)
- fixed Fixed frontend submit content escaping of ' " etc with backslashes using wp_unslash
- fixed Fixed vacancy and schedule filtering in admin by dropdown filter
- fixed Fixed weekly rent type functionality
- fixed Fixed tour count display in location items
- new Added new Extra items custom post type that is usable by all custom post types. Admin can now configure extra items to be bookable together with cruises, tours, car rentals and accommodations (e.g. cleaning costs, child seat, full catering etc).
- new Added frontend management for tours and tour schedules
- new Added frontend management for cruises, cabin types and cruise schedules
- new Added frontend management for car rentals
- new Added dropzone.js support to frontend submit so that multiple files can be uploaded and properly edited/changed
- new Added rent type property for accommodations so that accommodations can be rented on a daily, weekly or monthly basis
- new Added multiple location support to tours
- new Added dynamic editing of booking forms via Theme options - reflected in WooCommerce as well
- new Added dynamic editing of inquiry forms via Theme options
- new Improved backend schedule, vacancy, booking management
- new Bookings added via backend now immediately also create WooCommerce orders
- new Added multiple days of week repeating tour type support
- new Added gallery support for each room type. Gallery loaded using prettyphoto plugin in single accommodation view when user clicks on room type image.
- new Added Hide inquiry form field to all custom post types to completely hide inquiry form feature in right sidebar regardless of whether contact email is set or not
- new Added "price from" to right sidebar of accommodations, tours, cruises
- new Added allowed checkin and checkout day fields to accommodations so that you can restrict bookings to specific days of the week - say saturday to saturday.
- new Added maximum days stay restriction to accommodations
- new Added minimum adult and child count restriction to accommodations
- new Added full WooCommerce style support
- new Single post type slider speed can now be controlled from Theme options
- new Added MegaMenu support
- new Added native WordPress favicon support
- improved Moved error message above calendar in accommodations and car rentals.
- improved Improved frontend booking interface for all custom post types
- improved Improved WooCommerce integration - one WooCommerce product for each custom post type
- improved Improved WooCommerce integration - user is immediately directed to WooCommerce cart after selecting dates etc - no need to fill in booking form twice
- improved Changed self-catered to disabled room types field to better clarify the distinction between accommodations with room types and without
- improved Allow disabling of sections of ribbon like My account from theme options
- improved Simple search no longer shows accommodations, car rentals, cruises or tours
- improved Replaced self-hosted fonts with google fonts
- improved Replaced most imagery with css and vectors
- improved Improved code quality overall
- fixed Fixed theme activation so that when post types are enabled, their custom tables are properly created.
- fixed Fixed tour child and adult dropdown issues in front end
- fixed Fixed lockout from admin issue when pages not properly configured in Theme options
- updated Updated SliderRevolution
- improved If image extra field source is empty, don't display the image tag.
- improved Enabled translations of custom post meta fields via poedit.
- fixed Fixed Author dropdown override to include all admin and all byt frontend users.
- fixed Fixed date formatting issues for multilanguage frontend submit
- new Send booking emails if a property is marked as "reservation only".
- fixed Fixed extra items layout problems
- new Added import/export feature for Theme options.
- new Implemented booking listing for all missing custom post types in front end dashboard (tours, car rentals, cruises).
- improved Allow execution of shortcodes in extra fields.
- fixed Fixed mailto link in address widget.
- fixed Fixed i18n date display in search widget
- updated Upgrade of revslider to 5.0.8 to fix WPML incompatibility that was breaking widget translation.
- fixed Fixed translation of admin metabox labels
- updated Upgraded RevSlider to version
- new Implemented translation of datepicker for multiple other languages
- fixed Fixed issue with one-off tours max people dropdowns not reflecting correct state of availability.
- fixed Resolved issues with some tours not being added to WPML cart properly.
- fixed Resolved issues with certain scenarios where dynamic fields and tabs were not translated by WPML.
- updated Upgraded widget constructors with __construct to comply with php 5 and WP 4.3 requirement.
- updated Upgraded RevSlider to version 5.0.4.
- updated Upgraded WooCommerce templates to latest
- fixed Fixed important UTC date issue (for certain timezones dates were off by a day)
- updated Security update for the prettyPhoto plugin
- new Added responsive table support for booking tables.
- fixed Fixed comment date time issue.
- fixed Fixed date validation issue for certain date formats in frontend submit.
- fixed Removed duplicate social widget title.
- fixed Fixed non-repeating tour and cruise search issue.
- fixed Fixed tour, cruise and car rental booking list methods to include user_id check.
- fixed Removed duplicate woocommerce cart totals on cart page.
- fixed Fixed custom tab and field translation issue for WPML.
- fixed Fixed "more info/less info" translation fix for accommodations and cruises.
- fixed Fixed "General info" tab not showing on single locations.
- fixed Fixed non-repeating tours schedule issue.
- fixed Fixed non-repeating cruises schedule issue.
- improved Show facilities tab if not hidden
- fixed Fixed post not defined warning in theme utils
- fixed Fixed tour max count issue.
- updated Upgraded RevSlider to Version 4.6.92
- improved Properly escaped add_query_arg calls with esc_url and esc_url_raw (fixes possible vulnerability)
- improved Improved tour booking mechanism to better take into account max people when showing what's booked and what's not booked.
- fixed Fixed undefined entry_id in FrontEnd submit
- fixed Fixed a tour issue
- fixed Redirect to after login and logout fixes.
- updated Upgraded WooCommerce cart template to latest.
- updated Upgraded TGM-Plugin-Activation to 2.4.1 to properly escape add_query_arg (fixes possible vulnerability)
- improved Removed not needed echo that was causing cart is empty with woocommerce.
- improved Removed php version incompatibility in includes/theme_utils.php
- improved 'Gallery images' and other keywords now translateable that were previously not.
- fixed fixed checkbox layout for frontend submit.
- improved set default min days stay to 0 for accommodations.
- improved allowed extra tabs showing on single car rental.
- improved extra tabs no longer shown if no fields are present or if fields are empty on custom tabs.
- fixed fixed wpml translation issue for location custom fields on single accommodations.
- fixed fixed issue with search when "What" field is set to be hidden.
- fixed fixed issue for tour prices appearing as 0 in firefox and opera.
- fixed fixed issue where when WPML is used, different languages had different number of search results.
- new added filter for breadcrumbs
- new added "Add vacancy", "Add schedule", "Add booking" buttons to top of admin pages.
- fixed mailto link was broken in contact page template. fixed.
- fixed fixed js error in widget search.
- fixed fixed issue with date format and tour schedule in tour booking form.
- fixed blog pager bug fix.
- fixed fixed dateformat issue for other language settings (e.g. portuguese default date format was causing issues).
- fixed fixed tour max people 1 for some php configurations error.
- fixed fixed extra fields issue for car rentals and cruises
- fixed fixed first display tab content when first tab is hidden in theme options.
- fixed fixed listing in admin to only list vacancies/schedules for properties owned by user if user is not admin.
- fixed fixed issue with widget small mode causing list items to display in small mode.
- fixed resolved timezone date issue with booking forms.
- improved "What" part of search widget is now hidden when only one What search option is enabled.
- improved Date format issue for search widget, admin and frontend submit that was causing problems for a lot of people is now fixed.
- fixed Bug where tour schedule was using same price for all schedule entries of same tour is now fixed.
- fixed The ajax url wp-admin/admin-ajax.php didn't work in certain installations. This is fixed by making use of admin_url built in function call.
- fixed Car rental form was not showing booked dates as booked after the last major upgrade. This is now fixed.
- fixed Frontend submit forms were having issues (not showing room types, accommodations etc) when admin had enabled content moderation. This is now resolved.
- fixed Fixed WMPL ribbon weird behavior
- fixed Fixed several css issues
- updated Language file has been updated with missing keywords.
- fixed fixed issue with language ribbon not working well for WPML due to recent WPML upgrade.
- fixed fixed captcha issue for different language booking when using WPML.
- fixed fixed empty cart issue for WPML when booking.
- fixed fixed issue with room types and frontend submit.
- fixed fixed tours max 1 bug.
- fixed fixed issue where location items in lists were not showing a price when location is associated with only 1 accommodation.
- fixed fixed WPML styling issues
- fixed fixed slider speed
- improved sidebar positioning was missing.
- improved allow post type file override in child theme.
- improved proper labels are shown under Things to do on single accommodations (even if labels are changed under Location extra fields).
- improved fixed slider responsiveness
- improved search only available properties is set to true by default. if not set, then don't show the when filter.
- fixed fixed hiding of gallery after booking form is open (was broken due to lightSlider upgrade).
- fixed another issue with partial date booking resolved.
- fixed fixed missing argument error in frontend submit.
- fixed fixed several css issues
- fixed frontend submit users can see their own accommodations (fixed bug)
- fixed fixed issue where cruise facilities were broken if accommodations were not enabled.
- new Added new settings to allow making each custom post type searchable from widget options.
- fixed Refixed partial date issue
- fixed Fixed search widget datepicker format to follow WordPress option setting.
- updated Upgraded lightSlider plugin to v1.1.1
- new removed hardcoded table names
- new added option for users to individually set sidebar position (left, right, both) for any page.
- new added central widget area to home page for list widgets to be addable.
- new added accommodation, tour, cruise, car rental, post list widgets that can be added to any sidebar in card or small mode.
- new added multiple options and filters to each of tour, accommodation, cruise and car rental list pages to make as useful as possible.
- new added locations for cruises.
- new added options to show tour, cruise, car rental, accommodation counts on location items (cards).
- new added car rentals, cruises tab to single location page.
- new added tag like taxonomy to accommodations, tours, cruises, car rentals (in admin and also appears in page list, as well as in right column of single view).
- new added thank you message after review form is submitted.
- new added thank you message after inquiry form is submitted.
- new added minimum days stay setting to accommodations to restrict bookings based on this parameter.
- new added theme option to set default currency symbol
- new added theme option to show currency symbol before or after price.
- new now listing all hotels, self-catered, tours, cruises, car rentals on single location under specific tab instead of listing only first 10 of each.
- new users can now have /locations/europe list all locations in europe (if europe is marked as "Display As Directory?") and /locations/europe/germany show the actual location Germany .
- new provided reset button for booking form to allow clearing of selections (for tours, accommodations, cruises).
- new separated regular user dashboard menu from partner user dashboard menu
- improved improved booking form so that dates are selected in availability tab instead of in form itself (for tours, accommodations, cruises).
- improved Reintroduced separate sidebars for single accommodation, tour, car rental, cruise
- improved user activation process for user registration improved.
- improved search widget was completely revamped and can now be used to hide/show filters, and change filter labels all from widget admin area.
- improved search widget is now used on homepage as well as in sidebars.
- fixed fixed dates so that WordPress option date format is used everywhere to show region-specific dates
- fixed fixed rewrite rules so that users can now have /locations list all locations, and /locations/germany show germany single location.
- fixed fixed search by price feature for tours, car rentals, cruises and accommodations.
- fixed fixed search by date feature for tours, car rentals, cruises and accommodations.
- fixed Resolved issue with "Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by" in /includes/plugins/metaboxes/meta_box.php
- fixed Fix for default widgets being loaded (wrongly) into header sidebar
- fixed Fixed several css layout issues
- fixed Fixed theming css issues
- fixed fixed issue with database upgrade failing for some users.
- fixed fixed issues with get_default_language call undefined.
- fixed fixed issues with html validation in search.
- fixed fixed WPML list properties issues.
- fixed fixed issue with registration.
- fixed fixed style.css to have the correct version (v6.00).
- fixed user roles for frontend submit have been configured correctly.
- updated moved folder framework to includes/framework
- updated moved folder plugins to includes/plugins
- updated removed file page-user-room-list.php and replaced with page-user-content-list.php
- updated removed file page-user-accommodation-list.php and replaced with page-user-content-list.php
- updated removed file page-user-accommodation-vacancy-list.php and replaced with page-user-content-list.php
- updated removed file page-sidebar-both.php. Instead, users can set positioning of sidebar using default page template via metaboxes (after page is published or saved).
- updated removed file page-sidebar-left.php. Instead, users can set positioning of sidebar using default page template via metaboxes (after page is published or saved).
- updated removed file page-sidebar-right.php. Instead, users can set positioning of sidebar using default page template via metaboxes (after page is published or saved).
- updated removed file page-no-sidebar.php. Instead, users can set positioning of sidebar using default page template via metaboxes (after page is published or saved).
- updated removed file page-hotel-list.php. Instead, users can select catering type in Accommodation list template.
- updated removed file page-self_catered-list.php. Instead, users can select catering type in Accommodation list template.
- updated removed file sidebar-left-search.php as it can be achieved by sidebar-left.php.
- updated removed file sidebar-home-above-slider.php as it can be achieved by sidebar-under-header.php.
- updated removed file sidebar-home-below-slider.php as content is already addable to sidebar-home-content.php
- improved comment_form() support added.
- improved Url-escaped all occurences of home_url() echo.
- improved Removed plugins/urlify tests folder, .gitignore, .travis.yml, composer.json, INSTALL, phpunit.xml, files as they are not needed.
- improved Added wp_title filter support
- improved Removed use of STYLESHEETPATH and TEMPLATEPATH. Using get_stylesheet_directory() and get_template_directory() instead.
- improved Removed deprecated screen_icon() calls.
- fixed Fixed issue with room prices all being the same
- fixed Fixed tour schedule admin issue
- fixed Self-catered room count wasn't being set to 1 from frontend submit. Fixed.
- fixed Contact form 7 wasn't displaying map even when coordinates set. Fixed.
- updated Upgraded to latest Rev Slider version (4.6.5).
- improved Removed weird AAA echo in location search.
- fixed Fixed bug of all accommodations appearing in My Accommodations in front end submissions menu.
- fixed Fixed bug of Location dropdown not being populated in front end submission accommodation edit.
- fixed Fixed country dropdown in WooCommerce
- fixed Fixed rtl header css issue
- new Added option to hide header ribbon via Theme options (General settings)
- new Added Location meta box to tour, hotel, self catered list page to filter by location.
- new Added max number of adults and children to self-catered accommodations (set from edit accommodation scree, used 5 if none set).
- new Added captcha to inquiry and contact form
- improved Reduced number of queries used across the board, especially in -item.php templates
- improved Significantly improved search mechanism
- improved Search mechanism now uses WP_Query for querying (accommodations, tours, car rentals, cruises, locations)
- improved Search mechanism sorting now works
- improved Search mechanism "show only available" now works.
- improved Added support for html tables and lists in meta boxes
- fixed Fixed issue with tour map not loading on tab switch
- fixed Fixed review field values not showing up in single tour, accommodation, cruise view
- fixed Fixed group tour price being calculated wrong in WooCommerce cart.
- fixed Fixed bug of all hotels and tours appearing on each location.
- fixed Fixed error of search form showing when all search options are disabled
- fixed Fixed null error in accommodation sidebar.
- new search filter is now a widget with translatable fields.
- new home page search widget fields are now editable from Theme options -> Search results.
- new autosuggest feature added to location search field.
- new dynamic tabs and fields are now translatable via WPML - after upgrade, existing users must go to Theme options and click Save for the dynamic strings to properly register with WPML.
- improved renamed is_woocommerce_active to byt_is_woocommerce_active to avoid conflicts with other plugins.
- improved booked date range issue resolved - if date between two dates was booked out, one could still book the date range and the already booked date appeared a price 0.
- improved dynamic fields allow more HTML tags now.
- improved direct include of jquery ui removed. Resorted to using built in jquery ui libraries instead.
- improved search widget fields prepulated based on query string values.
- fixed fixed error on tour and cruise issues caused by sql bug.
- fixed fixed issues with inquiry form when user is logged out.
- fixed resolved issues with cruise weekly type not working
- fixed partial date booking issue resolved - after upgrade, existing users must go to Theme options -> Upgrade tab and click the "Fix partial booking issue" to fix existing bookings.
- fixed issue with cruises and tours end date resolved.
- new Added ability to synchronize review counts/scores from Reviews tab in Theme options (bottom of Reviews tab)
- fixed Resolved issues with registration/confirmation mails not being sent on register
- fixed Fixed issue with reviews not showing correct rating scores (admin must also run Sync reviews action mentioned above at least for this to then work).
- fixed Grid view / list view switch resize fluid items fix
- fixed Fixed reorder dynamic tabs and fields in options issue
- fixed Fixed hardcoded table names in accommodations.php
- fixed Resolved issue of duplicate terms being created in woocommerce
- fixed Fixed issue with comma in address on contact map
- fixed Fixed issue with cruise schedules
- fixed Fixed issue with inquiry and review buttons not working
- updated Updated language files with latest translatable terms
- new Cruises and cabins data type / scheduling
- new Front end accommodation/room type/vacancy submission
- new Added new page templates for front end listing and submitting accommodations, room types and vacancies
- new Content contributing user registration mode
- new Dynamic review fields for tours/accommodations/cruises editable/addable/removable from admin
- new Dynamic extra fields for tours/accommodations/cruises editable/addable/removable from admin
- new Dynamic tabs for tours/accommodations/cruises editable/addable/removable from admin
- improved Revamp of options admin page
- improved General code refactoring
- improved Removed type archive list page templates, and instead added type parameter in admin for reach of hotel,self catered, car rental, tour, cruise list pages.
- improved hide hotels/self catered count if accommodations are not enabled
- fixed fixed leftover bug in functions.php and single-tour.php
- updated Upgraded WooCommerce templates to 2.2.4
- new Group price support implemented for tours
- new Revolution slider added. Removed old, buggy sequence slider.
- new End date added to repeated tour schedules. Repeated tours can now be scheduled with end date in mind so that seasonal prices can be set for repeated tours.
- improved User rating filter removed when reviews are disabled via theme options
- fixed Fixed issue with cart is empty for WooCommerce
- fixed Vacancy issues resolved for when multiple languages are used
- fixed Search by location fix implemented
- fixed Pager last page issue resolved for all paged templates
- fixed css fixed for images not displaying properly
- fixed Various small css issues fixed
- updated Updated sample data
- new RTL support
- fixed Search only accommodations with valid vacancies now fixed.
- fixed Issue of sort by rating/stars is now fixed
- fixed Fixed so that WooCommerce order creation does not delete booking
- fixed Vacancies/Hotels were appearing once for each language when multiple languages installed. This has been fixed.
- updated Sample Content Updated
- new Theme options are now WPML compatible
- with help of wpml-config.xml
- new Admin can now enable/disable captcha via theme options
- new Single location page now has a gallery of images using jquery.lightSlider
- new Search only valid tours/car rentals now implemented. Option added to Searching tab in theme options.
- new Admin can now enable/disable reviews via theme options
- new Admin can now specify multiple contact email addresses for propreties by separating them with semi-colon (;)
- new WooCommerce booking details are now translatable
- improved Custom tables are now utf-8 compatible so non-latin text can be entered and used without problems.
- improved WPML booking/vacancy/schedule compatibility was rechecked
- improved WooCommerce calculation issues resolved - if first X children are free etc.
- improved Single accommodation/tour/car rental - if fields are blank, labels are no longer shown
- improved Missing translations in admin added
- improved Added loading "gif" when book buttons are clicked to ease waiting
- improved Multiple redundant functions removed.
- improved Code revamped, improved and optimized throughout the theme.
- fixed Google map issue, where you click on Location tab, then click away, then click back to Location tab, does not rerender map properly resolved
- fixed Booking is now properly deleted if item is removed from WooCommerce cart
- fixed Click on inquiry form cancel button now properly closes inquiry form
- fixed Website null issue has been resolved in contact page map
- new Tour/accommodation/car rental bookings can now be added and updated via admin dashboard.
- new Captcha has been added to registration form and registration ligthbox
- new Car rental when number of cars available has been exceeded, booking is no longer possible.
- new Accommodations, car rentals, tours can now be marked as "reservation only", and not processed by woocommerce even when woocommerce is active and used.
- new Accommodations, car rentals, tours can now be marked as featured. Admin can set on Theme options -> Home page that only featured items get displayed on home page.
- new Users can now link to tabs on single pages... like and the correct tab will open
- new Custom templates like Accommodation list archive, Car rental list etc now can display custom content above the list (content that is entered via content editor).
- new Car rentals, tours, accommodations dipslay lightSlider image gallery on single view with thumbnails and left/right controls.
- new Locations show hotels that belong to their location "children" now. For example, location England will now show all hotels/tours/car rentals that belong to London, Manchester, Liverpool etc.
- fixed Accommodation facilities bug where user could not uncheck all facilities and save accommodation has been resolved.
- fixed Registration form issue with wysia newsletter plugin fixed when new users are registered.
- fixed Tours not displaying prices fix
- updated Updated documentation
- updated Updated preview
- new Added css/admin-custom.css so that you can style the admin.
- new Added a number of filters and actions (hooks) to many pages in order to improve usability of theme and simplify overrides and reduce requirement of copying entire files to child theme. These filters have been added to documentation for reference.
- new Added single car rental screen, and single car rental permalink slug to settings. Settings need to be saved and the permalinks need to be flushed in order for this to work and to avoid 404 error.
- new Car booking form now has a flexible dropoff location field.
- new Added location archive page that lets you specify a location parent (in order to list sub locations).
- new Added inquiry form to tour single page
- new Added inquiry form to car rental single page
- new Tour booking form now allows multiple people to be booked in one go.
- new Adult/child count/pickup location/drop off location are now included in booking emails sent to admin and customer
- improved Improved car rental booking form to be in line with accommodation booking form.
- improved Improved tour booking form to be in line with accommodation booking form.
- improved Improved accommodation vacancy and tour schedule calendar by doing ajax calls for vacancy days between month changes in order to improve performance and also allow bookings for future dates for as far ahead as vacancies exist.
- improved Various housekeeping tasks (like making overall code more Object oriented) etc.
- fixed Fixed WPML issues with vacancies and prices.
- fixed Fixed issue of html breaking on accommodation/tour/car rental lists when html is used inside description.
- fixed Another incompatibility issue fixed
- fixed Fixed issue with registration lightbox requiring a “agree terms and conditions” checkbox be checked and that checkbox was nowhere to be found.
- updated php incompatibility issue resolved
- new Added option to allow people to edit a tour schedule in admin
- new Price can be set on a per room or per person basis for each accommodation
- new Added text field for Availability tab description for individual accommodation
- new Woocommerce payment enabled.
- new Creation of daily, weekday and weekly tour types plus standard by-date tour types.
- new New way to create schedules for tours and accommodations.
- new Tour type and car rental archive pages added.
- new Latest car rentals can now be added to home page.
- new Rates table added to accommodation booking form.
- new Added number of adults and number of children to booking form.
- improved Moved calendar to booking form.
- improved Improved pricing table on booking form.
- improved Added "Loading..." feature when pricing table is being repopulated.
- improved Selected default count for adults and children dropdown (1 for adults, 0 for children)
- improved Extra info for tours/car rentals now not reliant on whether accommodations are enabled or disabled.
- improved Labels for meta boxes in admin are now translatable.
- improved Multiple currency issues resolved.
- improved DB size of prices increased to 14 digits plus 2 decimals to accommodation currencies with large values.
- improved User account page fields editable again.
- improved When review is deleted scores are updated to account for delete review.
- fixed Fixed pager issue on archive pages.
- fixed Fixed search results issue
- fixed Fixed booking form children weren't being displayed for hotels bug
- fixed Search results issue fixed
- fixed Loading animation IE fixed
- fixed Login/register lightbox fix (fixed broken jquery)
- fixed Fixed booking form counting adult count even when per room mode was chosen.
- fixed Fixed duplicate room display in single accommodation screen.
- fixed Fixed total price issue in non-default currency booking forms.
- fixed Fixed duplicate room display in single accommodation screen.
- fixed Fixed total price issue in non-default currency booking forms.
- fixed Fixed price related issues
- fixed Fixed currency install bug for new installations
- fixed Fixed woocommerce styling
- fixed Fixed issue where js files didn't apply to child theme. They do now.
- updated Updated styling
- updated Updated language files
- updated Updated sample data
- updated Updated preview
- updated Updated Sample data
- updated Updated Documentation
- fixed Fixed registration page issue.
- fixed Fixed admin vacancy and schedule price decimal place support.
- new Front page now validates in HTML validator
- improved Slider slides now WPML fully compatible
- fixed Fixed currencies conversion to EURO issue
- fixed Decimal places saved as 00 in admin now fixed for prices of vacancies and tour schedules
- fixed Fixed image alignment isszue in posts
- fixed Fixed image responsiveness in posts
- new Added accommodation type archive page template so that admin can create /accommodations/self-catered/apartments, /accommodations/self-catered/villas pages etc.
- new Added contact email address for tours and car rental bookings.
- new Added booking can be sent to specified email address instead to admin
- new Added simple number sum captcha to booking forms
- new Added accommodation list template that lists all accommodations (hotels and self-catered).
- improved Added fix to entire hide search box if none of the tour/self-catered/hotel/car-rental search options are enabled in theme options
- fixed Added major WPML fix so that accommodations/tours/car rentals are properly listed when translated on multilanguage websites
- fixed Added WPML fix so that correct page is pulled up for search results/my account/login/signup pages.
- fixed Fixed bug where latest offers on home page was not pulling up theme-options-assigned category posts
- fixed Fixed css Chrome button layout bug
- fixed Fixed search results bug
- fixed Removed couple of other small bugs
- improved Replaced css3-mediaquerries.js with respond.js for Internet Explorer crashing issue
- fixed Temporarily removed compatibility for IE8
- new Added automatic-feed-links support.
- new Added default content width support.
- new Added better get_template_part support for accommodation, tour, car_rental and location custom post types.
- new Added content pagination support.
- improved Removed jetpack dependence for newsletter. Added mailpoet and mailchimp newsletter styles.
- improved Adjusted element heights and fixed broken layout on all data-types lists
- fixed Fixed broken translations where php parameter was passed into translation function by mistake.
- fixed Fixed broken currency conversion (dead webservice provider). Added European Central Bank currency xml support.
- fixed Remove miscellaneous bugs reported by theme-check plugin.
- updated Updated documentation
- fixed fixed header navigation bug
- improved updated widget areas
- new added above header and below footer sidebars on all pages.
- improved room meta information (like tax and price description) is now dynamic, no longer hardcoded.
- fixed locations and sublocations now correctly show accommodations and tours in single view.
- fixed locations and sublocations now correctly show accommodation counts in list view.
- fixed fixed room count bug after booking increasing
- improved Search results from and to dates now correctly passed on to single accommodation screen via url.
- improved Allowed html in text fields (pets, credit card info etc.)
- improved Added option to filter by room type in accommodation vacancy admin.
- improved Added button for users to be able to delete all vacancies for accommodations and schedule entries for tours
- improved Added css for more dropdown levels in main menu
- fixed Resolved issue with hotel and room counts not displaying correct on home page.
- fixed Fixed issue of booking total price counting number of nights wrong (was always counting 1 night extra).
- new Added Widget areas : home above slider, home below slider, blog index above posts, blog index below posts
- new User phone number added to tour, car and accommodation booking forms and confirmation emails.
- improved Single location now properly lists hotels under hotel tab, self-catered under self-catered tabs and also I added tours under tours tabs.
- improved Location list item now shows Hotel and self-catered counts separately.
- fixed Fixed Sidebar so that on tours and accommodation, the sidebar with description appears regardless of whether the user added another widget or not.
- fixed Contact form bug fixed
- fixed Header ribbon css z-index issue fixed
- fixed Drop down css opacity resolved
- fixed Bookings send to different email temporarily removed
- updated Updated language files
- updated Updated Documentation
- new Tours implemented
- new Tours single screen with review and booking
- new Tours list page
- new Latest tour offers
- new Tour search capability
- new Bookings send to different email -> admin email to send bookings to now configurable from Data tab in settings.
- new Added support for child theme to allow for upgrade-proof customization.
- improved Noslider class added to homepage when slider is hidden via theme settings.
- improved Facility name now shown instead of facility slug in single accommodation screen.
- fixed Contact form bug (no javascript) fixed.
- updated Updated Documentation
- updated Updated Sample Data
- updated Updated Preview
- fixed Issue with search not searching for the right accommodations when hotel search is disabled (it should search for self catered).
- fixed Issue with room prices being the same when clearly different values are entered (previously code was wrongly showing min price for any room, instead of being room specific).
- new Allow creation of sub locations
- new Added currency administration page
- new Added car rental support with archive page and booking system
- new Added WPML language switcher support.
- new Added dropdown filter to accommodations vacancy admin screen to allow filtering by accommodation
- new Added a navy color theme
- improved Allow turning on and off of latest destinations/locations on home page
- fixed Fixed character count bug for accommodation description
- fixed Fixed vacation rentals calendar issue where switching between months didn't show available vacancies
- fixed Fixed Slider bug
- updated Sampe Data update
- updated Documentation update
- updated Preview update
- new Vacation rentals added as a separate entity
- new Added ability to set posts_per_page for archives and for search results and front page via settings.
- new Self-catered checkbox added to hotel adding page... if self-catered there are no room types and no room count.
- new Availability calendar added for vacation rentals
- new Option to show all hotels/self-catered or only ones with availability
- improved Changed from dead google currency api to new one (
- improved Removed absolute position on page header on inner pages (fix for bigger logos)
- improved Removed hotel archive page (the built in category-archive like page). Instead we have two page templates for which pages need to be created.
- updated Sampe Data update
- updated Documentation update
- updated Preview update
- fixed Color scheme change logo bug fixed
- fixed Color scheme change Data content bug fixed
- new New tab in settings dedicated to search results.
- new Users can now specify search results default view. Default is set to Grid view when installed.
- new Prices in search results are now dynamic. On the same tab in settings as above, you can now specify price range bottom, price range increment and increment count to determine the prices that are displayed in the form.
- new You can now specify decimal places to be shown on all pages by going to the settings Data page and setting the decimal places there in drop down.
- new There is a new field in single hotel called hotel_contact_email. If this is specified, the hotel single page now shows a button in the right hand side under the review button.
- new Blog posts have been added to the home page. There is also an option to specify how many posts you want to show here.
- new Users can now successfully change permalinks of hotels and locations. After change, user must go to Settings->Permalinks and hit save.
- fixed Issue with currency symbol not showing right on first load of page has now been fixed.
- fixed Heights of hotel descriptions on grid view have also been fixed.
- updated Updated Sample Data
- updated Updated Documentation
- fixed Custom slugs for hotels and locations have been temporarily removed
- new Default currency selection in theme settings.
- new Configurable checkbox list of currencies currently enabled on site (and appearing in toolbar) from theme settings
- new Configurable speed of slider on home page
- new Contact form 7 support
- new Completed booking of vacancy reduces the number of available rooms for that vacancy. Once all rooms are taken, vacancy marked as null.
- new Added Accommodation types so that we can have hotels, lodges, flats etc
- new Search by accommodation type
- new Email sent to user on booking.
- improved Hide "What" field in form if only one set of data is enabled (eg only hotels, or only flights)
- improved If a booking (spam) is deleted, that vacancy room_count is returned to original.
- improved Enhanced currency list (based on all currencies supported by Google currency converter:
- improved Booking price total now displayed in booking form instead of the current room price per day.
- fixed Fix of search by not found location which previously showed result (eg search for asdasdsads as reported bug).
- fixed Dates allow past dates to be selected bug fix
- fixed Allow searching across multiple vacancy dates without prices disappearing (reported bug)
- updated Updated Sample data
- updated Updated Documentation
- updated Updated Preview file
- fixed Some php bug fixes
- fixed Slider theming css fix
v1.00 - 26.09.2013